Wednesday, November 18, 2015


“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”   - Dr. Seuss

Last weeks instagram post:

"They say attitudes are contagious... If thats the case I want to infect the Learners at my school with a love for reading and books. What better way than with story time" -Me :)

Reading, in my opinions is one of the most amazing gifts a person can have. Reading expands the mind and opens up worlds beyond what we can travel. It gives hope and creativity. Reading brings a sense of a million lives lived, and a million more to be lived. Anything is possible with literacy. So when I found out helping establish a reading culture at my school was one of their hopes I was both ecstatic and a bit heart broken. When I arrived to my school I came to find we have only a small "library" tucked away in a storage room which also doubles as the office of a couple teachers. There are books, but not many at all. An attempt at alphabetizing had been made, but not enforced by any means. Almost all teachers expressed one of their desires of me is to increase to reading abilities of learners, aid in English development, and help establish an actual library. That is a loaded request, but not impossible. 

A Grade 10 teacher who uses the "library" as an office and I had the opportunity to chat a bit over a library concept and ways to get learners excited about reading. After the two of us spoke with our principal a bit we came to the conclusion that we could utilize school space a bit better by moving the library to a place where we can also have room for learners to sit and read. We also discussed building hammocks outside under the trees with the rule of the hammocks being that if you want to lay in the hammocks, you must have an open book in your hands. Just a little something to appeal the idea of opening a book to learners. 

So after learning about this desire I decided to really look into what the library has and needs. First thing I noticed was they need an organization system, and that knowing the levels of books would be beneficial as well. I figured once I have things organized I would have a better idea of the inventory. Little by little I began carrying books from the "library" to my desk to dust them off and google what the book's reading level is. During one of my trips one girl would lives close to me asked what I'm doing. I told her I was trying to help the library because I love books and were suppose to take care of the things we love. I asked her if she likes books and she nodded. So I handed her a children's story that looked to have some fun pictures. She is only a Grade 1 learner but she has amazing English! She told me she didn't know how to read all the words so I asked if she would like me to read to her. This made me super excited, so I put down the pile of books I had and sat with her to read. Children here, as in anywhere are very curious. One little girl turned into two, which turned into four, and later to about 20. Lower Primary learners leave earlier than the rest of the school so they caught me on their ways home. We read a couple short simple books and they went on their way. The following day they requested another story when they saw me in the school yard. This thrilled me to know they wanted more story time so naturally I agreed. There was down side though. As I mentioned before lower primary learners are excused from school early so a heard of us outside reading caused some distraction to other classrooms. One lower primary teacher then requested that I come to her class to read the following day to learners, a request I has happy to fulfill. 

I knew I would be with them for about 2 class periods so I decided lets make a project to go along with reading. We read a story about a tortoise whom in short lost her shell after taking it off and it being stolen by monkeys. Those tricky monkeys! Eventually the tortoise's friends help her to retrieve her shell and they had a party  dancing and playing. We read the story, then all the learners were instructed to draw their own picture of animals having a party, they could use the same animals in the book or add new animals. Being that they were Grade 1 learners I was skeptical about how much they would understand. With some aid needed from the regular class teacher story time along with the arts project after went much better than I had hoped for. The learners were so into the story, and even helped me pick up a few new words in Rukwangali! One learner even invited my tattoo to her party and drew it into her picture. It was a great experience, and I hoping for future opportunities to have more story times with learners.

follow me on instagram : jamiet06

1 comment:

  1. I love books, I'm sure the learners will to!
