Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Life in a day of camp.... condoms and bibles and HIV, OH MY!

In a previous article I told you a bit about "Secondary Projects" which are exactly what it sounds like. Secondary Projects are the other things you do outside of the main reasons/role you were hired to do, mine being teaching English.

Well, as you know one if my "Secondary Projects" is Camp YEAH! (Which you will know more about in a blog very soon.) However, I just have to share this story now now!

Today was day 4 of camp: we've spent the past few days teaching about HIV/AIDS, safe sex, STIs, Teen Pregnancies, stereotypes, Healthy relationship... You know, that fun stuff. So let me tell you about this very day!

Woke up, started the day in a dining hall full of Namibian teens eating breakfast. After having way too much coffee and hot chocolate we began the activities for the day.

First activity: teaching the Learners how to put on male condoms. 

Second activity: Use Tupac and Justin Beiber to explain how we can use the Bible as guidance, specifically with HIV related topics.

We needed to get the work done before moving onto the TALENT SHOW!!!!

And so my day ended by being in a WWE skit as Lady Loca

Signature move: The Chola Choke-Out 

That's alllll bad nuh 
(If you're from NM you'll get it ;) 

And so that my blogging community, is how one may spend their day in the life as a PCV hosting a camp for learners.

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