Monday, March 28, 2016

Sunday Funday Easter pictures

So first off, I want to wish everyone a Happy Easter! If Easter is not something you celebrate then I hope you have a great Sunday, still filled with sweets. Trust me if I could get my hands on a chocolate bunny right now Id be all about that life style ;) 

So last weekend I ventured to Swakopmund. A city right on the west coast of Namibia! This place was not like the Namibia I've come to know at all!!! It almost felt like America, it was actually a bit scary! Well, while on our Independence get away, myself and a couple friends decided to check something off our bucket lists 
All I have to say was it's epic and if you've never done it before, you should!!!

The plane was painted like a giraffe, isn't that awesome!

Meet Anna, isn't she just so awesome and pretty! Group 42 is filled with some fabulous people I must say.

Swakop had a place that served gluten free pizza!!!! I was so happy I nearly cried, a date 3 large pizzas all to myself!

Also, there were gluten free pancakes!!! Yum!!! 

The things I make my friends do. He he he he ;) 

Swakop gave the Kavango sunsets some competition.... I still love the Kavango more though, but maybe I'm a bit bias :-p

I found 1 bag of m&ms at a local shop.... I bought it of coarse, And was a bit sad there was only one. Heck I'll take it, I love me some chocolate!!!!

Another rare find and out of this world treat, real coffee that isn't instant!!!

Come a me bro! 

Sometimes I think the rooster on my homestead is challenging me 

Just for humor I saw this and automatically thought this was a not so rare reaction before departure when people asked the infamous "why Peace Corps" or "you're going where to do what? For 27 months! What?!" 

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