Monday, January 11, 2016

DIY: Kasote Namibia

A nice little clip of what a drive through the village looks like.

How to make Kasote:
  •  3 heaping views of the most beautiful skies you could imagine (Seriously, imagine the most beautiful sunrise, sunsets and night skies)
  • Crowds of friendly locals curious to know who you are and what exactly you are doing here
  • 1 Kavango River which seems to reflect everything in its view as if painted with glitter
  • Miles of thick beach like sand, blinding at noon from the brightness of the suns bright rays
  • Literally free range animals; chickens, cattle, and goats know no boundaries
  • A sky full of birds of all types and colors just waiting to capture your eye
  • 1 sun hot, and unforgiving
  • A splash of hippo and crocodile views 
  • Aroma of campfires made for cooking dinner
  • Laughter of children climbing on trees
  • 2 Shebeans playing music through all hours of the night
  • 1 rooster crowing to awaken the sun
  • 2 years of hope and a lot of fun

Mix all together, wrap it in falling in love. Then you'll know what it feels like to live under the Kasote Namibian sun.

1 comment:

  1. It's lovely. Would be nice if the driver went slower so I could see more lol jk Sissy. Love it!
